19 Dec '24
Compared to last week . Slaughter Cows 5.00 to 10.00 higher. Slaughter Bulls steady . There was light test on all classes of slaughter cattle . Very good demand for replacement and stock Cows.
Slaughter Cattle
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
5 | 1000-1130 | 1052 | 105.00-123.00 | 118.27 |
6 | 1030-1335 | 1197 | 134.00-146.00 | 139.25 |
2 | 1335-1360 | 1348 | 149.00-155.00 | 151.97 |
8 | 1450-1830 | 1594 | 154.00-166.00 | 162.43 |
3 | 1405-1890 | 1608 | 115.00-130.00 | 123.41 |
6 | 1435-1890 | 1617 | 136.00-143.00 | 139.35 |
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
5 | 1009-1009 | 1009 | 100.00-100.00 | 100.00 |
1 | 1035-1035 | 1035 | 96.00-96.00 | 96.00 |
2 | 1055-1100 | 1078 | 80.00-84.00 | 81.96 |
8 | 1005-1165 | 1086 | 105.00-111.00 | 109.03 |
8 | 1025-1310 | 1176 | 113.00-116.00 | 114.92 |
10 | 1020-1440 | 1220 | 117.00-119.00 | 118.22 |
10 | 1135-1500 | 1318 | 120.00-123.00 | 121.15 |
6 | 1230-1700 | 1378 | 122.00-125.00 | 123.75 |
3 | 1435-1480 | 1465 | 126.00-129.00 | 127.66 |
4 | 815-965 | 875 | 90.00-95.00 | 93.16 |
6 | 830-995 | 916 | 97.00-104.00 | 100.21 |
4 | 835-980 | 920 | 105.00-113.00 | 109.89 |
14 | 904-990 | 929 | 60.00-88.00 | 84.30 |
1 | 970-970 | 970 | 115.00-115.00 | 115.00 |
Replacement Cattle
BRED COWS - Medium 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 760-795 | 778 | 1400.00-1950.00 | 1681.19 |
BRED COWS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
8 | 825-1270 | 1066 | 1215.00-2075.00 | 1846.47 |
1 | 1070-1070 | 1070 | 1285.00-1285.00 | 1285.00 |
65 | 840-1745 | 1143 | 1525.00-2450.00 | 2299.15 |
13 | 880-1378 | 1171 | 1010.00-2100.00 | 1644.32 |
2 | 1085-1290 | 1188 | 1700.00-2600.00 | 2188.84 |
5 | 760-1045 | 909 | 1700.00-1975.00 | 1850.83 |
2 | 795-1195 | 995 | 1925.00-2200.00 | 2090.14 |
BRED COWS - Medium and Large 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
1 | 965-965 | 965 | 1175.00-1175.00 | 1175.00 |
BRED COWS - Small and Medium 2-3
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
6 | 605-810 | 678 | 525.00-1400.00 | 899.32 |
1 | 775-775 | 775 | 1000.00-1000.00 | 1000.00 |
4 | 645-875 | 796 | 800.00-1200.00 | 990.82 |
1 | 900-900 | 900 | 900.00-900.00 | 900.00 |
BRED HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
1 | 1015-1015 | 1015 | 2425.00-2425.00 | 2425.00 |
2 | 995-1100 | 1048 | 1975.00-2300.00 | 2145.64 |
4 | 625-925 | 723 | 1250.00-1975.00 | 1682.79 |
10 | 700-1020 | 806 | 1350.00-2450.00 | 1810.48 |
7 | 790-1125 | 908 | 1500.00-2525.00 | 2076.06 |
BULLS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 1030-1280 | 1155 | 1030.00-1800.00 | 1456.67 |
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
1 | 1090-1090 | 1090 | 127.00-127.00 | 127.00 |
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
7 | 716-1035 | 902 | 123.00-259.00 | 150.35 |
9 | 835-1090 | 966 | 128.00-203.00 | 154.63 |
3 | 992-992 | 992 | 195.00-195.00 | 195.00 |