09 Sep '24
Compared to two weeks ago much lighter offering, steers calves under 550 lbs were not well tested, with a much lighter offering of steer calves and yearlings weighing from 550-800 lbs selling with a weak to lower undertone, with 6 pot loads of 850-983 lb steers also trading with a lower undertone. Feeder heifers had the best test on 550-600 lbs trading steady to firm, spots 5.00 higher with the 600-650 lb heifers selling 6.00-8.00 lower all other weights of heifers were lightly tested. Demand was moderate to good on a moderate supply. Overall a nice quality offering of calves and yearlings with the largest draft 116 head of 983 lb steers selling at 227.00, four pot loads of yearling steers weighing 850-890 lbs sold from 232.75-235.75, pot load of 613 lb heifers sold at 263.25 and a pot load heifers weighing 668 lbs at 253.00. Slaughter cows sold steady to firm.
Slaughter Cattle
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
13 | 1350-1910 | 1678 | 156.00-170.00 | 164.04 |
4 | 1455-1925 | 1755 | 142.00-152.00 | 149.13 |
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 970-1060 | 1015 | 132.00-133.00 | 132.48 |
13 | 905-1125 | 1030 | 120.00-130.00 | 124.26 |
3 | 935-1090 | 1035 | 83.00-91.00 | 86.84 |
6 | 1000-1150 | 1082 | 106.00-116.00 | 111.43 |
4 | 1240-1285 | 1260 | 123.00-129.00 | 125.74 |
11 | 1135-1405 | 1265 | 130.00-136.00 | 134.46 |
22 | 1145-1400 | 1265 | 137.00-145.00 | 140.09 |
10 | 1350-1600 | 1432 | 134.00-137.00 | 135.98 |
9 | 1345-1660 | 1486 | 138.00-148.00 | 141.72 |
3 | 1455-1565 | 1497 | 120.00-125.00 | 122.93 |
2 | 1565-1705 | 1635 | 139.00-145.00 | 141.87 |
Feeder Cattle
BULLS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
20 | 520-520 | 520 | 283.00-283.00 | 283.00 |
BULLS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
10 | 395-395 | 395 | 292.00-292.00 | 292.00 |
10 | 583-583 | 583 | 270.00-270.00 | 270.00 |
5 | 663-663 | 663 | 244.00-244.00 | 244.00 |
6 | 853-853 | 853 | 179.50-179.50 | 179.50 |
HEIFERS - Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
10 | 978-978 | 978 | 199.00-199.00 | 199.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
11 | 412-419 | 415 | 297.00-298.00 | 297.37 |
24 | 475-496 | 486 | 284.00-299.00 | 290.14 |
50 | 502-544 | 529 | 268.00-280.00 | 273.92 |
74 | 568-597 | 590 | 256.50-268.50 | 264.22 |
126 | 607-644 | 617 | 261.00-271.50 | 264.29 |
81 | 668-668 | 668 | 253.00-253.00 | 253.00 |
24 | 802-802 | 802 | 228.25-228.25 | 228.25 |
6 | 921-921 | 921 | 209.50-209.50 | 209.50 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
5 | 323-335 | 328 | 292.00-301.00 | 297.32 |
3 | 383-383 | 383 | 299.00-299.00 | 299.00 |
11 | 410-448 | 424 | 283.00-285.00 | 283.99 |
59 | 453-494 | 472 | 265.00-281.00 | 271.71 |
3 | 525-525 | 525 | 246.00-246.00 | 246.00 |
16 | 562-572 | 570 | 240.00-242.00 | 240.37 |
32 | 573-591 | 580 | 252.00-255.50 | 254.00 |
29 | 605-648 | 624 | 243.00-260.00 | 255.76 |
25 | 675-692 | 680 | 235.00-241.00 | 238.61 |
28 | 702-718 | 706 | 220.00-234.25 | 231.04 |
11 | 758-758 | 758 | 227.50-227.50 | 227.50 |
8 | 953-953 | 953 | 198.00-198.00 | 198.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 548-548 | 548 | 241.00-241.00 | 241.00 |
3 | 685-685 | 685 | 224.00-224.00 | 224.00 |
STEERS - Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
116 | 983-983 | 983 | 227.00-227.00 | 227.00 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
7 | 420-441 | 432 | 317.00-330.00 | 322.42 |
20 | 450-470 | 457 | 319.00-340.00 | 332.42 |
31 | 501-535 | 511 | 300.00-318.00 | 312.78 |
125 | 551-598 | 567 | 285.00-301.00 | 292.59 |
59 | 600-643 | 619 | 279.00-298.50 | 290.80 |
95 | 656-698 | 673 | 268.75-282.75 | 275.41 |
90 | 701-735 | 720 | 256.50-264.50 | 259.92 |
63 | 750-789 | 767 | 243.25-253.00 | 248.76 |
38 | 846-846 | 846 | 236.00-236.00 | 236.00 |
200 | 856-889 | 867 | 232.75-236.50 | 234.27 |
71 | 931-944 | 942 | 226.00-228.50 | 228.05 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
20 | 373-398 | 385 | 301.00-322.50 | 306.27 |
15 | 468-480 | 476 | 294.00-316.00 | 303.17 |
4 | 504-504 | 504 | 272.00-272.00 | 272.00 |
39 | 510-547 | 533 | 282.00-297.00 | 288.36 |
41 | 554-592 | 569 | 269.00-285.00 | 278.05 |
49 | 600-648 | 627 | 263.00-276.00 | 271.89 |
9 | 655-690 | 671 | 245.50-252.50 | 249.34 |
17 | 700-717 | 714 | 249.50-256.50 | 255.29 |
64 | 790-790 | 790 | 237.75-237.75 | 237.75 |
20 | 809-813 | 810 | 225.25-230.00 | 226.68 |
3 | 860-860 | 860 | 222.00-222.00 | 222.00 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
10 | 633-638 | 636 | 247.00-252.50 | 250.31 |
8 | 653-673 | 668 | 236.00-237.50 | 237.13 |
6 | 942-942 | 942 | 218.00-218.00 | 218.00 |
20 | 974-974 | 974 | 214.50-214.50 | 214.50 |