19 Dec '24
Compared to last week, a lighter pre holiday run didn't offer too many groups of calves for an accurate test of the market but steers and heifers sold mostly steady. A load of good quality yearling steers weighing 995 lbs sold for just shy of $2,400.00 a head. Supply was light and demand was moderate. This was the last regular Thursday sale of the year. Slaughter cows and bulls sold steady to 2.00 higher.
Slaughter Cattle
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 1700-1955 | 1795 | 149.00-155.00 | 152.50 |
1 | 1900-1900 | 1900 | 139.00-139.00 | 139.00 |
3 | 1990-2265 | 2088 | 163.50-167.00 | 164.78 |
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
10 | 847-1285 | 1015 | 70.00-89.00 | 83.26 |
14 | 1011-1245 | 1104 | 90.00-107.00 | 102.50 |
9 | 975-1445 | 1166 | 90.00-104.00 | 97.32 |
5 | 1170-1380 | 1244 | 115.00-118.00 | 116.37 |
23 | 1080-1380 | 1251 | 105.00-114.50 | 109.08 |
1 | 1395-1395 | 1395 | 107.50-107.50 | 107.50 |
6 | 1375-1605 | 1503 | 112.00-122.50 | 115.44 |
1 | 1865-1865 | 1865 | 131.00-131.00 | 131.00 |
Replacement Cattle
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
7 | 980-1245 | 1076 | 138.00-170.00 | 148.87 |
10 | 840-1237 | 935 | 190.00-210.00 | 202.79 |
Feeder Cattle
BULLS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 342-342 | 342 | 380.00-380.00 | 380.00 |
7 | 395-395 | 395 | 366.00-366.00 | 366.00 |
2 | 542-542 | 542 | 290.00-290.00 | 290.00 |
5 | 565-565 | 565 | 273.00-279.00 | 275.40 |
6 | 616-635 | 626 | 264.00-270.00 | 266.95 |
9 | 667-676 | 674 | 245.00-260.00 | 248.30 |
6 | 886-886 | 886 | 192.00-192.00 | 192.00 |
HEIFERS - Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
8 | 580-580 | 580 | 257.00-257.00 | 257.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 470-470 | 470 | 230.00-230.00 | 230.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 473-473 | 473 | 310.00-310.00 | 310.00 |
8 | 515-535 | 530 | 276.00-295.00 | 290.38 |
14 | 552-586 | 576 | 261.00-285.00 | 267.57 |
9 | 807-807 | 807 | 234.00-234.00 | 234.00 |
3 | 858-858 | 858 | 234.00-234.00 | 234.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
5 | 323-342 | 331 | 314.00-326.00 | 321.03 |
9 | 350-350 | 350 | 322.00-322.00 | 322.00 |
4 | 400-437 | 419 | 299.00-300.00 | 299.52 |
3 | 425-425 | 425 | 266.00-266.00 | 266.00 |
14 | 460-490 | 473 | 271.00-290.00 | 286.46 |
6 | 507-528 | 521 | 262.00-270.00 | 267.40 |
24 | 552-591 | 584 | 248.00-269.00 | 257.45 |
2 | 612-612 | 612 | 247.00-247.00 | 247.00 |
12 | 655-675 | 662 | 238.00-250.00 | 245.02 |
4 | 707-745 | 726 | 228.00-234.00 | 230.92 |
4 | 817-817 | 817 | 222.00-222.00 | 222.00 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 437-437 | 437 | 370.00-370.00 | 370.00 |
17 | 456-497 | 487 | 344.00-366.00 | 354.31 |
4 | 511-511 | 511 | 333.00-333.00 | 333.00 |
12 | 512-532 | 523 | 342.00-351.00 | 349.02 |
5 | 570-586 | 580 | 313.00-313.00 | 313.00 |
6 | 602-637 | 615 | 287.00-303.00 | 294.86 |
51 | 995-995 | 995 | 239.00-239.00 | 239.00 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
22 | 410-413 | 411 | 342.00-351.00 | 349.77 |
3 | 541-541 | 541 | 285.00-285.00 | 285.00 |
2 | 587-587 | 587 | 260.00-260.00 | 260.00 |
6 | 600-615 | 608 | 279.00-282.00 | 280.48 |
2 | 735-735 | 735 | 249.00-249.00 | 249.00 |
13 | 848-848 | 848 | 242.50-242.50 | 242.50 |