03 Feb '25
Compared to last week, slaughter cows and bulls sold steady to 3.00 higher. Demand was good on a moderate supply.
Replacement Cattle
BRED COWS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 1005-1405 | 1138 | 2150.00-2200.00 | 2179.43 |
3 | 1050-1495 | 1305 | 2225.00-2400.00 | 2353.07 |
2 | 1315-1350 | 1333 | 2150.00-2200.00 | 2174.67 |
BRED COWS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 1190-1190 | 1190 | 1975.00-1975.00 | 1975.00 |
8 | 1045-1515 | 1207 | 1750.00-2125.00 | 1940.32 |
8 | 1065-1350 | 1211 | 1550.00-2075.00 | 1782.25 |
BRED COWS - Medium and Large 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 875-1050 | 942 | 1250.00-1350.00 | 1296.90 |
2 | 970-1010 | 990 | 1350.00-1400.00 | 1375.51 |
BRED HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
1 | 1010-1010 | 1010 | 2400.00-2400.00 | 2400.00 |
2 | 955-1065 | 1010 | 2300.00-2450.00 | 2379.08 |
BRED HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 805-1000 | 903 | 2000.00-2225.00 | 2124.65 |
COW-CALF PAIRS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 1110-1110 | 1110 | 3250.00-3250.00 | 3250.00 |
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
11 | 945-1255 | 1097 | 140.00-187.00 | 153.65 |
3 | 715-1095 | 905 | 179.00-223.00 | 193.92 |
Slaughter Cattle
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 1205-1490 | 1358 | 146.00-156.00 | 152.32 |
21 | 1220-2630 | 1770 | 134.50-172.00 | 163.20 |
5 | 1865-2450 | 2030 | 174.50-185.00 | 180.03 |
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
29 | 885-1295 | 1063 | 115.00-130.00 | 121.94 |
12 | 870-1180 | 1066 | 95.00-110.00 | 105.15 |
3 | 1090-1175 | 1120 | 130.00-132.00 | 131.00 |
6 | 1110-1320 | 1236 | 119.00-125.00 | 122.42 |
47 | 1015-1460 | 1254 | 126.00-139.00 | 131.55 |
11 | 1070-1475 | 1260 | 137.50-148.50 | 141.77 |
3 | 1350-1435 | 1403 | 120.00-125.00 | 121.70 |
45 | 1330-1865 | 1558 | 126.00-139.00 | 133.06 |
3 | 1495-1700 | 1593 | 139.00-143.50 | 141.60 |
6 | 755-1060 | 905 | 60.00-80.00 | 70.78 |