19 Dec '24
Compared to last week: Feeder steer calves under 450 lbs were too lightly tested to develop an accurate market trend, however steady to weak undertones were noticed on a lower quality offering. Steers 450-549 lbs sold steady to weak in a narrow comparison; steers over 550 lbs sold 5.00-8.00 higher in a narrow comparison. Heifer calves under 450 lbs were too lightly tested to develop an accurate market trend, however lower undertones were noticed on a lower quality offering. Heifers 450-599 lbs sold steady to 3.00 lower. Heifers over 600 lbs were too lightly tested to develop an accurate market trend, however weak undertones were noticed. Quality this week was mostly plain to average and significantly lower than last sale. Many blemished, frozen ears and or tails were seen today as consigners cleaned out pastures and pens. Demand for yearlings was mostly good this sale as buyers continue to show good demand for these offerings. Yearling quality was mostly plain to average. Demand for calves was mostly moderate and slightly lighter than last week; quality hampered demand. Offerings were light to moderate. Package sizes were mostly small to moderate with many singles in the mix. No load lots were seen this sale. Market activity was moderate to active this sale. Notably, a smaller buyer pool was seen this sale. Weigh up cows sold on moderate to good demand for moderate to heavy offerings. Slaughter cows sold mostly steady to weak on all classes in a narrow comparison. All cows were pushing heavy amounts of fill today and most sold higher on a dressed basis as a result. Feeding cows sold with the best demand again this week. Feeding cows sold with steady to 3.00 higher on high quality cows suitable to feed to premium white. Thin short term feeding cows sold generally steady to weak. Fill hindered demand at times as most of the thin cows on offer were very full. Slaughter bulls were too lightly tested to develop an accurate market trend, steady undertones were noticed. Young age cows suitable to feed or rebreed sold generally steady on a lower quality offering. Again, fill hindered demand for these offerings as well, as most young cows were very full.
Feeder Cattle
BULLS - Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
5 | 1226-1226 | 1226 | 177.00-177.00 | 177.00 |
BULLS - Medium 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
4 | 426-426 | 426 | 365.00-365.00 | 365.00 |
10 | 494-494 | 494 | 335.00-335.00 | 335.00 |
31 | 545-545 | 545 | 303.00-303.00 | 303.00 |
BULLS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
4 | 1015-1015 | 1015 | 222.00-222.00 | 222.00 |
3 | 1097-1097 | 1097 | 211.00-211.00 | 211.00 |
1 | 320-320 | 320 | 470.00-470.00 | 470.00 |
1 | 405-405 | 405 | 395.00-395.00 | 395.00 |
8 | 460-497 | 483 | 325.00-325.00 | 325.00 |
4 | 590-590 | 590 | 288.00-305.00 | 296.50 |
17 | 640-643 | 641 | 262.50-275.00 | 271.31 |
3 | 742-742 | 742 | 240.00-240.00 | 240.00 |
1 | 928-928 | 928 | 227.00-227.00 | 227.00 |
3 | 978-978 | 978 | 215.00-215.00 | 215.00 |
BULLS - Medium and Large 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 597-597 | 597 | 245.00-245.00 | 245.00 |
HEIFERS - Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 1085-1085 | 1085 | 210.00-210.00 | 210.00 |
10 | 1101-1145 | 1116 | 193.00-208.00 | 203.38 |
3 | 1120-1120 | 1120 | 188.00-188.00 | 188.00 |
5 | 1298-1298 | 1298 | 179.00-179.00 | 179.00 |
16 | 594-594 | 594 | 270.00-270.00 | 270.00 |
2 | 710-710 | 710 | 239.00-239.00 | 239.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
10 | 403-439 | 421 | 307.00-325.00 | 315.62 |
HEIFERS - Medium 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
4 | 334-334 | 334 | 235.00-235.00 | 235.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 1038-1038 | 1038 | 210.00-210.00 | 210.00 |
2 | 263-263 | 263 | 430.00-430.00 | 430.00 |
8 | 271-295 | 274 | 415.00-430.00 | 417.02 |
4 | 316-316 | 316 | 382.50-382.50 | 382.50 |
5 | 343-343 | 343 | 365.00-365.00 | 365.00 |
10 | 357-382 | 366 | 352.50-360.00 | 357.65 |
13 | 357-389 | 367 | 360.00-360.00 | 360.00 |
44 | 401-435 | 413 | 340.00-352.50 | 344.57 |
25 | 413-413 | 413 | 345.00-345.00 | 345.00 |
101 | 453-499 | 471 | 317.00-352.00 | 335.84 |
21 | 511-514 | 513 | 317.00-320.00 | 318.14 |
89 | 511-549 | 530 | 308.00-321.00 | 314.18 |
22 | 551-587 | 574 | 279.00-294.00 | 288.95 |
13 | 604-648 | 624 | 260.00-268.00 | 263.66 |
5 | 665-668 | 667 | 253.00-256.00 | 254.80 |
4 | 748-748 | 748 | 237.00-237.00 | 237.00 |
2 | 773-773 | 773 | 236.00-236.00 | 236.00 |
5 | 884-884 | 884 | 232.00-232.00 | 232.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
6 | 1044-1044 | 1044 | 202.00-202.00 | 202.00 |
2 | 290-290 | 290 | 390.00-390.00 | 390.00 |
4 | 365-378 | 372 | 350.00-355.00 | 352.46 |
24 | 400-443 | 424 | 310.00-339.00 | 325.53 |
11 | 455-495 | 474 | 292.50-310.00 | 304.76 |
16 | 522-548 | 536 | 285.00-300.00 | 291.33 |
3 | 568-568 | 568 | 260.00-260.00 | 260.00 |
5 | 647-647 | 647 | 254.00-254.00 | 254.00 |
5 | 838-838 | 838 | 234.00-234.00 | 234.00 |
2 | 928-928 | 928 | 215.00-215.00 | 215.00 |
STEERS - Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
4 | 650-650 | 650 | 276.00-276.00 | 276.00 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 1078-1078 | 1078 | 225.00-225.00 | 225.00 |
3 | 270-290 | 277 | 520.00-520.00 | 520.00 |
4 | 296-296 | 296 | 505.00-505.00 | 505.00 |
3 | 300-310 | 307 | 500.00-510.00 | 506.74 |
3 | 305-320 | 310 | 497.50-512.50 | 507.34 |
11 | 358-358 | 358 | 465.00-465.00 | 465.00 |
9 | 365-388 | 378 | 420.00-440.00 | 427.16 |
3 | 420-420 | 420 | 401.00-401.00 | 401.00 |
31 | 415-421 | 421 | 392.50-405.00 | 404.60 |
24 | 472-472 | 472 | 359.00-359.00 | 359.00 |
48 | 509-533 | 523 | 340.00-350.00 | 345.86 |
31 | 524-536 | 531 | 343.00-347.50 | 344.72 |
28 | 555-563 | 562 | 318.00-334.00 | 327.61 |
53 | 600-616 | 609 | 307.00-318.00 | 315.28 |
5 | 665-677 | 672 | 291.00-295.00 | 292.58 |
42 | 702-738 | 719 | 290.00-314.00 | 301.53 |
28 | 817-838 | 819 | 244.00-250.00 | 249.34 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
15 | 318-349 | 333 | 460.00-485.00 | 467.51 |
11 | 390-398 | 395 | 410.00-415.00 | 413.21 |
4 | 434-434 | 434 | 325.00-325.00 | 325.00 |
43 | 420-447 | 437 | 360.00-387.50 | 365.43 |
52 | 450-493 | 483 | 327.00-351.00 | 340.55 |
10 | 510-545 | 526 | 317.50-340.00 | 325.73 |
7 | 570-588 | 580 | 300.00-312.00 | 303.94 |
6 | 586-586 | 586 | 314.00-314.00 | 314.00 |
23 | 615-638 | 633 | 280.00-300.00 | 287.48 |
29 | 650-690 | 674 | 278.50-296.00 | 281.49 |
4 | 740-740 | 740 | 275.00-275.00 | 275.00 |
4 | 791-791 | 791 | 249.00-249.00 | 249.00 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
17 | 408-408 | 408 | 375.00-375.00 | 375.00 |
5 | 422-422 | 422 | 390.00-390.00 | 390.00 |
11 | 490-490 | 490 | 312.00-312.00 | 312.00 |
5 | 511-511 | 511 | 287.00-287.00 | 287.00 |
Replacement Cattle
BRED COWS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
8 | 994-1093 | 1044 | 2300.00-2400.00 | 2352.37 |
4 | 1105-1105 | 1105 | 2100.00-2100.00 | 2100.00 |
10 | 960-1241 | 1194 | 2400.00-2575.00 | 2527.35 |
4 | 1200-1312 | 1284 | 2000.00-2200.00 | 2153.27 |
BRED COWS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 1045-1045 | 1045 | 2000.00-2000.00 | 2000.00 |
15 | 1325-1325 | 1325 | 1750.00-1750.00 | 1750.00 |
3 | 1433-1433 | 1433 | 1850.00-1850.00 | 1850.00 |
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
29 | 910-1290 | 1060 | 132.00-180.00 | 158.17 |
6 | 774-774 | 774 | 195.00-195.00 | 195.00 |
106 | 806-1285 | 993 | 150.00-217.50 | 192.71 |
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
15 | 955-1370 | 1126 | 120.00-145.00 | 130.17 |
9 | 833-1055 | 907 | 160.00-195.00 | 179.98 |
Slaughter Cattle
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 1291-1291 | 1291 | 117.50-117.50 | 117.50 |
37 | 1490-2435 | 1873 | 122.00-140.00 | 131.59 |
3 | 2328-2390 | 2349 | 141.00-142.00 | 141.66 |
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
4 | 1106-1155 | 1118 | 106.00-106.00 | 106.00 |
21 | 1005-1330 | 1136 | 65.00-83.00 | 77.37 |
120 | 965-1286 | 1150 | 90.00-115.00 | 104.30 |
7 | 1185-1280 | 1199 | 87.00-92.00 | 87.76 |
116 | 910-1370 | 1213 | 115.00-127.00 | 121.79 |
5 | 1180-1230 | 1220 | 128.00-130.00 | 129.61 |
1 | 1385-1385 | 1385 | 80.00-80.00 | 80.00 |
2 | 1385-1405 | 1395 | 104.00-106.00 | 105.01 |
95 | 1305-1675 | 1417 | 95.00-116.00 | 109.98 |
110 | 1232-1629 | 1433 | 116.00-127.50 | 119.58 |
3 | 1330-1730 | 1518 | 91.00-102.00 | 96.13 |
1 | 1535-1535 | 1535 | 120.00-120.00 | 120.00 |
4 | 1538-1538 | 1538 | 121.00-121.00 | 121.00 |
2 | 1725-1850 | 1788 | 110.00-115.00 | 112.59 |
3 | 1775-1860 | 1810 | 121.00-124.00 | 122.69 |
3 | 865-865 | 865 | 72.00-72.00 | 72.00 |
1 | 985-985 | 985 | 87.00-87.00 | 87.00 |
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 1470-1470 | 1470 | 82.00-82.00 | 82.00 |