10 Sep '24
Compared to last reported sale (8/27/24): Feeder steers sold mostly 2.00-5.00 higher in a narrow comparison. Heifers under 750 lbs sold mostly 10.00-15.00 higher, 750-849 lbs heifers sold 5.00-10.00 higher, heifers over 850 lbs were too lightly tested last sale to develop a full market trend, however higher undertones were noticed. CME feeder cattle positions improved over the last few days and buyers showed some optimism as they bid on cattle. Light weight yearlings sold on very good demand as most of these offerings were very green and in very light flesh. Quality this sale was mixed from plain to very attractive. Heifer quality was more attractive than steer quality as several sets of tested open replacements were seen. Market activity was mostly moderate to active. Weigh up cows sold on mostly moderate demand for light offerings. Demand for slaughter cows was lighter this sale than last sale. Cow quality was mostly plain to average this week. Feeding cows demand remains stronger than slaughter cow demand. Most sound cows were purchased to feed this week. Yields continue to slip lower as dry conditions continue to push yields seasonally lower. Slaughter cows sold mostly 5.00-7.00 lower on all classes. Feeding cows sold mostly 3.00-4.00 lower. Slaughter bulls sold on uneven demand. Demand was lighter to start the sale, however demand improved as the sale progressed and additional buyers started loads. Slaughter bulls sold steady to 5.00 lower. Weigh up conditions were mostly average to below average today. Most cows were pushing moderate to heavy amounts of fill today. Young cows suitable to feed or rebreed were too lightly tested to develop any market trend. Young age cow quality was mostly plain to average today.
Slaughter Cattle
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 1310-1380 | 1345 | 136.00-145.50 | 140.63 |
24 | 1340-1910 | 1672 | 131.00-148.00 | 143.98 |
33 | 1350-2330 | 1771 | 147.50-163.00 | 152.36 |
1 | 1885-1885 | 1885 | 145.00-145.00 | 145.00 |
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
7 | 1071-1105 | 1076 | 96.00-99.50 | 98.99 |
7 | 910-1250 | 1105 | 106.00-120.00 | 114.07 |
2 | 1090-1210 | 1150 | 136.50-138.00 | 137.21 |
35 | 1021-1340 | 1188 | 101.00-111.00 | 105.80 |
7 | 1060-1375 | 1194 | 116.00-128.50 | 121.05 |
19 | 970-1248 | 1213 | 123.00-132.00 | 125.30 |
1 | 1340-1340 | 1340 | 121.00-121.00 | 121.00 |
46 | 1220-1600 | 1351 | 124.00-138.00 | 130.67 |
2 | 1355-1380 | 1368 | 115.00-119.00 | 117.02 |
1 | 1640-1640 | 1640 | 140.00-140.00 | 140.00 |
2 | 1720-1720 | 1720 | 134.00-134.00 | 134.00 |
2 | 1740-1785 | 1763 | 134.00-138.00 | 136.03 |
3 | 1700-1915 | 1787 | 124.00-132.50 | 128.91 |
4 | 900-995 | 945 | 95.00-108.00 | 99.53 |
Feeder Cattle
BULLS - Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
1 | 1095-1095 | 1095 | 187.50-187.50 | 187.50 |
1 | 1155-1155 | 1155 | 178.00-178.00 | 178.00 |
BULLS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
1 | 1045-1045 | 1045 | 191.00-191.00 | 191.00 |
1 | 1080-1080 | 1080 | 192.00-192.00 | 192.00 |
HEIFERS - Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
9 | 818-848 | 830 | 219.00-221.00 | 220.33 |
7 | 956-965 | 959 | 206.00-206.00 | 206.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
5 | 639-639 | 639 | 256.00-256.00 | 256.00 |
14 | 694-694 | 694 | 253.00-253.00 | 253.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 615-615 | 615 | 245.00-245.00 | 245.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
41 | 1014-1033 | 1025 | 209.50-217.50 | 214.08 |
61 | 673-683 | 681 | 263.00-266.00 | 263.63 |
34 | 709-738 | 718 | 246.50-256.00 | 252.25 |
127 | 779-799 | 788 | 233.00-241.00 | 235.99 |
147 | 807-843 | 825 | 224.50-234.00 | 230.85 |
36 | 850-897 | 887 | 217.50-223.00 | 219.21 |
63 | 900-939 | 921 | 215.00-221.00 | 217.54 |
52 | 956-998 | 968 | 212.50-218.50 | 216.49 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
11 | 660-688 | 675 | 248.00-255.00 | 249.92 |
80 | 713-741 | 740 | 235.00-240.00 | 239.82 |
3 | 755-755 | 755 | 232.00-232.00 | 232.00 |
3 | 835-835 | 835 | 217.00-217.00 | 217.00 |
STEERS - Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
9 | 1115-1115 | 1115 | 186.50-186.50 | 186.50 |
STEERS - Medium 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
10 | 605-629 | 627 | 267.00-270.00 | 267.29 |
STEERS - Medium 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
4 | 611-611 | 611 | 265.00-265.00 | 265.00 |
4 | 691-691 | 691 | 249.00-249.00 | 249.00 |
10 | 728-728 | 728 | 247.00-247.00 | 247.00 |
STEERS - Medium 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
10 | 575-575 | 575 | 257.00-257.00 | 257.00 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
22 | 1003-1024 | 1014 | 205.00-211.00 | 207.70 |
29 | 793-793 | 793 | 250.00-250.00 | 250.00 |
24 | 878-888 | 885 | 240.00-241.00 | 240.08 |
69 | 930-943 | 942 | 231.00-237.50 | 237.22 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
28 | 714-745 | 720 | 248.00-256.00 | 252.58 |
6 | 789-789 | 789 | 239.00-239.00 | 239.00 |
54 | 811-837 | 830 | 239.00-241.00 | 240.45 |
23 | 942-942 | 942 | 218.50-218.50 | 218.50 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
9 | 702-702 | 702 | 236.00-236.00 | 236.00 |
6 | 808-808 | 808 | 225.00-225.00 | 225.00 |
Replacement Cattle
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 1005-1053 | 1037 | 152.00-162.00 | 155.23 |
2 | 1105-1185 | 1145 | 135.00-154.00 | 144.17 |
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
1 | 960-960 | 960 | 145.00-145.00 | 145.00 |