17 Dec '24
Compared to last week: Steer calves under 450 lbs sold mostly 15.00-20.00 higher, steer calves over 450 lbs sold mostly steady to 5.00 higher. Heifer calves all sold steady to 5.00 lower. Quality this week was mixed from plain to very attractive. Yearling steers and heifers were too lightly tested to develop an accurate market trend, however steady to higher undertones were noticed. Large packages and load lots sold on very good demand as quality was mostly attractive to very attractive. Small packages of calves sold with significant discounts to load lots and large packages. Quality on small packages was also significantly lower than large packages. Demand for light weight steers was very good this sale as demand from wheat and western grass buyers was very good. Light weight heifer quality was not as attractive this week which hampered demand. Demand for heifers over 600 lbs was very good as feeding buyers and replacement buyers bid aggressively over light offerings. Most of these offerings were purchased by feeding buyers this week. Market activity was mostly active today with a large buyer pool on hand. Bidding was active both ringside as well as over the internet. Weigh up cows sold on moderate to good demand for moderate offerings. Demand for slaughter cows remains light, but was stronger than last week as today was the last opportunity for packer buyers to buy cows prior to the holiday break. Slaughter cows sold mostly steady to 2.00 higher on boning and lean cows, breaking cows were too lightly tested to develop an accurate market trend, however firm undertones were noticed. Feeding cow demand was mostly good this sale as both private feeders and packers both showed good demand for cows to feed. Private buyers continue to buy slightly lame or slightly blemished cows to but away on feed. Packer buyers were also active and buying slightly lame or blemished cows to put away to feed for the upcoming holidays. Feeding cows sold mostly 2.00-4.00 higher on high quality cows suitable to feed to premium white. Thin feeding cows sold mostly steady to 2.00 higher. Cow quality this week was average to attractive. Slaughter bulls sold mostly steady to 5.00 lower in a narrow comparison. Weigh up conditions were mostly average this week for cows and below average for bulls. Bull quality this week was mostly plain with many low dressing bulls on offer. Young cows suitable to feed or rebreed sold mostly 10.00-15.00 higher on a higher quality offering. Young age offerings sold mostly steady with prices two weeks ago. Young age cows sold on mostly moderate to good demand for light offerings. Quality was mostly average to attractive.
Feeder Cattle
BULLS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
1 | 335-335 | 335 | 455.00-455.00 | 455.00 |
HEIFERS - Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
1 | 555-555 | 555 | 270.00-270.00 | 270.00 |
2 | 683-683 | 683 | 232.00-232.00 | 232.00 |
HEIFERS - Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
4 | 401-401 | 401 | 292.50-292.50 | 292.50 |
8 | 459-459 | 459 | 260.00-260.00 | 260.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
11 | 675-688 | 679 | 243.00-243.00 | 243.00 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
9 | 323-334 | 330 | 406.00-415.00 | 412.07 |
3 | 347-347 | 347 | 390.00-390.00 | 390.00 |
4 | 370-370 | 370 | 370.00-385.00 | 381.25 |
10 | 368-379 | 372 | 371.00-372.50 | 371.89 |
61 | 401-430 | 417 | 340.00-367.50 | 352.51 |
15 | 435-437 | 437 | 337.50-342.00 | 338.40 |
5 | 473-473 | 473 | 331.00-331.00 | 331.00 |
64 | 450-493 | 473 | 322.00-338.00 | 331.15 |
15 | 512-515 | 512 | 313.00-321.00 | 319.93 |
92 | 503-545 | 517 | 305.50-327.00 | 316.14 |
53 | 569-583 | 570 | 292.00-295.00 | 294.83 |
67 | 619-619 | 619 | 283.00-283.00 | 283.00 |
7 | 615-633 | 628 | 268.00-269.00 | 268.28 |
7 | 652-652 | 652 | 262.00-262.00 | 262.00 |
26 | 786-786 | 786 | 245.50-245.50 | 245.50 |
12 | 810-818 | 817 | 242.00-250.50 | 249.80 |
1 | 850-850 | 850 | 235.00-235.00 | 235.00 |
9 | 905-919 | 916 | 227.00-227.50 | 227.11 |
HEIFERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
16 | 435-443 | 438 | 337.00-340.00 | 339.05 |
3 | 458-458 | 458 | 308.00-308.00 | 308.00 |
18 | 505-526 | 522 | 296.00-302.00 | 298.64 |
10 | 573-573 | 573 | 262.00-262.00 | 262.00 |
STEERS - Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
4 | 433-433 | 433 | 411.00-411.00 | 411.00 |
14 | 533-533 | 533 | 334.00-334.00 | 334.00 |
2 | 740-740 | 740 | 257.00-257.00 | 257.00 |
STEERS - Medium 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
8 | 543-543 | 543 | 333.00-333.00 | 333.00 |
STEERS - Medium 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
14 | 456-456 | 456 | 252.50-252.50 | 252.50 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
24 | 350-393 | 389 | 445.00-453.00 | 451.06 |
44 | 404-448 | 415 | 401.00-450.00 | 430.16 |
7 | 426-426 | 426 | 438.00-438.00 | 438.00 |
54 | 460-497 | 481 | 357.00-397.50 | 371.38 |
7 | 491-491 | 491 | 370.00-370.00 | 370.00 |
127 | 514-535 | 519 | 333.00-361.00 | 354.09 |
45 | 550-595 | 558 | 315.00-330.00 | 328.66 |
3 | 573-573 | 573 | 329.00-329.00 | 329.00 |
5 | 593-593 | 593 | 314.00-314.00 | 314.00 |
4 | 601-601 | 601 | 313.50-313.50 | 313.50 |
155 | 607-637 | 623 | 305.00-317.75 | 311.31 |
3 | 653-653 | 653 | 283.00-283.00 | 283.00 |
4 | 699-699 | 699 | 256.00-256.00 | 256.00 |
14 | 710-723 | 716 | 245.00-265.00 | 256.34 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
3 | 300-338 | 325 | 440.00-445.00 | 443.46 |
1 | 445-445 | 445 | 380.00-380.00 | 380.00 |
8 | 484-495 | 490 | 317.50-350.00 | 333.93 |
2 | 518-518 | 518 | 327.50-327.50 | 327.50 |
7 | 578-597 | 592 | 311.00-312.50 | 312.08 |
5 | 601-630 | 607 | 294.00-304.00 | 301.92 |
STEERS - Medium and Large 2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
4 | 394-394 | 394 | 375.00-375.00 | 375.00 |
Slaughter Cattle
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
2 | 1340-1470 | 1405 | 115.00-122.00 | 118.66 |
17 | 1580-2240 | 1811 | 110.00-133.00 | 119.87 |
2 | 1890-1950 | 1920 | 146.00-147.00 | 146.49 |
1 | 2305-2305 | 2305 | 154.00-154.00 | 154.00 |
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
5 | 1010-1140 | 1085 | 77.50-87.00 | 83.48 |
44 | 885-1305 | 1120 | 94.00-115.50 | 105.33 |
3 | 1000-1235 | 1145 | 127.00-132.50 | 128.95 |
8 | 1015-1245 | 1154 | 92.00-98.00 | 95.25 |
10 | 1135-1260 | 1197 | 101.00-109.00 | 104.66 |
145 | 950-1294 | 1199 | 115.00-124.00 | 119.78 |
1 | 1330-1330 | 1330 | 126.00-126.00 | 126.00 |
16 | 1260-1600 | 1339 | 103.00-116.00 | 110.78 |
7 | 1325-1470 | 1346 | 94.00-95.00 | 94.16 |
117 | 1245-1620 | 1370 | 116.00-128.50 | 122.17 |
5 | 1345-1635 | 1430 | 105.00-110.00 | 106.75 |
3 | 1310-1800 | 1502 | 99.00-102.00 | 101.13 |
1 | 1585-1585 | 1585 | 117.00-117.00 | 117.00 |
1 | 1600-1600 | 1600 | 82.00-82.00 | 82.00 |
3 | 1420-1705 | 1608 | 108.75-118.00 | 114.15 |
3 | 1647-1647 | 1647 | 123.00-123.00 | 123.00 |
3 | 1892-1892 | 1892 | 122.00-122.00 | 122.00 |
5 | 910-995 | 949 | 83.00-96.00 | 87.92 |
1 | 985-985 | 985 | 77.50-77.50 | 77.50 |
Replacement Cattle
BRED COWS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
9 | 1115-1115 | 1115 | 1750.00-1750.00 | 1750.00 |
44 | 1174-1460 | 1245 | 1900.00-2075.00 | 2005.50 |
3 | 1398-1520 | 1439 | 1925.00-2200.00 | 2103.15 |
COW-CALF PAIRS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
36 | 1115-1115 | 1115 | 2775.00-2775.00 | 2775.00 |
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
36 | 835-1230 | 1075 | 123.00-192.00 | 147.54 |
7 | 807-807 | 807 | 184.00-184.00 | 184.00 |
122 | 765-1118 | 934 | 150.00-225.50 | 191.63 |
STOCK COWS - Medium and Large 1-2
Hd | Wt Range | Avg Wt | Price Range | Avg Price |
11 | 810-1081 | 1038 | 121.50-150.00 | 125.63 |
33 | 808-1120 | 887 | 127.00-196.00 | 175.62 |