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Managing Your Account
23 Sep '21
Your account is a linked to you as an individual, and multiple accounts can link to a farm.

Accounts break down into 2 sections: Personal Details, and Change Password.
Personal Details
First Name: is your first name, or given name.

Last Name: is your last name, surname, or family name.

Email: is the email address you want linked to your account. It's important to provide an email address that you will always have access to as this is the way you log into your account.

Receive email updates: allows us to send you product updates. Because we respect your inbox, we rarely send anymore than a handful of product updates per year, and they are extremely helpful in outlining new and improved features.

Close Account: starts the process of deleting your data. Any farms where your account is the owner will also be deleted as part of this process so be very careful.
Deleted data is NOT RECOVERABLE once the process has been initiated.
Change Password
Password: is what you want for your new password (must be more than 5 characters).

Re-Type: is your new password re-typed to ensure it's correct.