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Managing Businesses
23 Jun '21
Livestocked supports multiple businesses to be run under a single farm, this accounts for farms operating multiple business activities and situations where separate tax returns need to be filed from a co-mingled herd.
All farms will have a primary business, this business will reflect the farm name and cannot be deleted however you can create additional businesses on top of the primary business.

1. From the 'Farm Overview' screen, click the 'Add' button on the 'Businesses' panel.
2. Once you see the 'New Business' screen, fill out the form and press 'Save'.

Description: is the business name

Logo: will be displayed on invoices referencing the business.

Tax Number: will be displayed on invoices referencing the business.

Phone: will display on invoices referencing the business.

Status: allows your to set the business as Primary / Enabled / Disabled.