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Managing Animals
23 Sep '21
Animals can be created as a group or individual, this allows you to track detailed data on long life animals like cattle and more compressed data on single season animals like chickens.

If the animal is registered, you can link to a supported registry by pressing the menu button in the top right, then select the 'Link Registration' option.

Each animal contains the following fields:

Type: sets the record as an individual or a group.

Name: is the friendly name for the animal.

VID Tag: is the visual or management tag for the animal, this can be updated at any time and previous tag numbers will be retained in the animals event history.

EID Tag: is the electronic (NLIS/NAIT etc...) tag for the animal, this can be updated at any time and previous tag numbers will be retained in the animals event history. This is especially helpful for compliance in countries where unique identification is required.

Status: determines the current state of the animal. You can select either 'Active' or 'Reference'.
- Active animals are the animals that you own.
- Inactive is a sub status to active, an animal will automatically be marked as inactive once it has a sold or deceased event.
- Reference animals are used to identify animals you hold genetic inventory in, or to fill out a pedigree (reference animals are NOT counted against your animal quota).

Owner: specifies ownership of the animal, this field is useful on family farms where multiple family members own animals.
By specifying ownership, purchases and sales will automatically be assigned to the relevant business simplifying end of year reporting for taxes.

Pasture: specifies the current location of the animal - Optional.

D.O.B: is the animals date of birth - Optional.

Litter: is the litter size for the animal - Defaults to 1 (SG - Single) when a date of birth is provided.

BW: is the animals birth weight - Optional.

Gender: is the animals gender. If you can't identify at birth, use the question mark which will list the animals as 'UNKNOWN'.

Species: is the animals species. You can select from Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Alpaca, Llama, Swine, Horse, Chicken, Camel, Rabbit, Duck, Turkey.

Breed: is the animals breed makeup. If you specify a sire and dam below, the breed makeup will be automatically calculated.

Comment: is an optional field to store additional information about the animal - Optional.

Inbreeding: is an automatically generated coefficient of inbreeding using Wright's Inbreeding Coefficient based on the pedigree.

Sire: is the animals sire - Optional.

Dam: Is the animals maternal dam - Optional.

Donor: Is the animals genetic dam - Optional.
Use this field if the animal was conceived from an Embryo Transfer.

Foster: Is the animals foster dam - Optional.
Use this field if the animal was fostered / grafted to another dam.
Animal Performance
(NPV - Normalized Performance Values)
The traits for an animal will depend on the species and purpose, below is an example for a beef cow.

The RAW values are those entered by you.

The ADJ(USTED) values are normalized performance values that take environmental factors like lactation, age of dam, season, litter size etc... into account.

When you see green values, they represent the top 20% of your herd for that trait, by contrast, red values represent the bottom 20% of your herd.

PI is the most important production trait, and stands for PROFIT INDEX. This index is made up of all other traits to determine the most profitable animals.
GL Gestation Length represented in gestation days.

BE Birthing Ease represented as a risk percentage. Positive values represent increased birthing ease, negative values represent reduced birthing ease.

RE Reproductive Efficiency represented as average progeny weaned per birth.

FE Fertility represented as average number of cycles to breed.

BW Birth Weight represented as average birth weight.

WW Weaning Weight represented as average daily gain at weaning.

PW Post weaning weight represented as average daily gain at post weaning.

FW Finished weight represented as average daily gain at finish.

YD Yield represented as average field per milking.

FT Fat represented as average fat percentage.

PT Protein represented as average protein percentage.

MA Maintenance represented as the average number of treatment interventions per year.

PI Profit Index
If the animal has progeny, you will see a list showing the current status, sales prices, raw performance, and average performance.
Description Codes
(R) Registered Animal
(SG) Single - litter size of one
(TW) Twin - Litter size of two
(TR) Triplet - Litter size of three
(QD) Quad - Litter size of four