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Expense Transactions
10 Jul '22
You can create a new transaction by performing a long press on the 'Finances' button on the dashboard. When you see the popup to select the transaction type (Revenue / Expense), select the desired option.

Once you have the new Transaction screen open, fill out the necesary fields and press 'Save'.

Transaction Header

Business: is the relevant business for this transaction.

Location: is the relevant location for this transaction.

Created By: is the user that created the transaction.

Date: is the date of the transaction.

Customer / Vendor: is the relevant account for the transaction.

Reference Number: is an optional field to store an associated reference number.

Subtotal: is the subtotal of the transaction.

Tax: is the total sum of tax on the transaction.

Tax Rate: is the tax rate applied to the transaction which defaults from the selected location.

Total: is the subtotal + card fee + sales tax.

Currency: is the selected currency for the transaction.

Payment: is the type of payment for the transaction.

Paid On: is the paid date which can be set once the transaction has progressed from payment 'Unpaid'.
Transaction Attachments
Relevant files (Pdf, Word Documents, Excel Documents, Photos) can be included on the transaction.
Transaction Items
Transaction items are optional, however once you include items the transaction totals will be calculated as the sum of items.

Description: is the line items product name. Transaction items can either link to products or created as free text.

Revenue / Expense Account: categorizes the line item for accounting purposes.

Item Notes: is additional notes about the line item.

Quantity: is the unit count for the line item.

Price: default value is picked up from the product settings (transaction type expense will use 'Cost', transaction type
revenue will use 'Price'), however can be overridden.

Subtotal: is calculated as (quantity x price)