Help Files
Dashboard Basics
The dashboard is the central hub for relevant information on the app, it provides a lot of detail at a glance rather than you having to dig through the data to find what you're looking for.

The dash is broking down into 3 main components:
Navigation Menu
Search Everything
Short Press: Search Animals
Long Press: New Animal
Short Press: Search Events
Long Press: New Event
Short Press: Search Products
Long Press: New Product
Short Press: Search Contacts
Long Press: New Contact
Short Press: Search Finances
Long Press: New Transaction
Short Press: Yardflow
Long Press: Birthflow
Upcoming Tasks
Upcoming tasks represent activities expected to be carried out in the next (n) days, with the number of days to be determined in the organization settings.
Property Groups
When setting up, you should create one property for each distinct land parcel you operate, then create pastures under the property.

LIVESTOCKED works best when it's a digital representation of the real world so try to match your farm setup exactly.

Below is an example of a property with 7 pastures, this particular example has weather turned on and is showing you a 3 day forecast.

The row directly below the weather is your stocking rate and head count forecast for the next 10 months.
Stocking rate is displayed as Dry Sheep Equivalent (DSE) and head count encompasses current head count, expected births, and planned sales.

To change the property details, or manage pastures at the property, press the 'Edit' button next to the property name.

To manage rain events, press the 'Rain' button on the left of the property name.
Understanding Pasture Rows
The pasture details will tell you the name, containing stock classes, the number of days on/off, and the utilization percentage over the past 365 days.

You can press the pasture name to see relevant actions, the actions available will depend on what stock classes are in the pasture.
Number of expecting females in this pasture.
If the button is blue, you can click on it to show a due date list.
Number of animals under withholding in the pasture.
If the button is blue, you can click on it to see the list.
Number of animals due for a vaccine.
If the button is blue, you can click on it to see the list.

Nb. Vaccine schedules can be set up under the products module.
Total head count in this pasture.
If the button is blue, you can click on it to show the list.