Help Files
Update September '21
26 Sep '21
It's been several months since our last update, and we can now share what we've been working on all this time.

Before we start, head to the app store to make sure you're on the latest version. While these are just a few highlights, refer to the changelog for the full list.

First up, Livestocked now works offline! So...if you work outside of a service area you might see a note at the top telling you how many offline records you have (like below) - this will auto sync next time your device connects to the internet but you can also force a sync by pressing that note.
Next Up, we have updated the pedigree and progeny list to be links. This gives you easy access to browse related animals without having to go back and search.

*Nb.** The animals that show up blue are clickable, the animals that show up black are backfilled from the pedigree and cannot be opened.
Finally, we have updated the stock report to better reflect the requirements of tax season and Schedule F.
Last thing, we included support for the Tru-Test EziWeigh 7i, Tru-Test SRS2 Tag Reader, and Tru-Test XRS2 Tag Reader.
Nb. The EziWeigh 7i works on both iOS and Android...but the Tru-Test S3 is still our preferred scale indicator and it's not close.

That's it for now...but feel free to email any thoughts or feature requests to