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Update October '19
11 Oct '19
Well, it's somehow November and we thought it was high time to update everyone on our progress over the past few months....of course this is just a few highlights so for the full update list refer to the changelog.
Before we get started, make sure you're on the latest version.

First up, we have included two major changes to Yardflow to provide faster data collection for any size operation.

1. Auto-create is an option that will create an animal if the eid or vid tag number is not found. This means no more interuptions when a new or unidentified animal steps into the crush, the system will also assign a gender if there is enough information available.

2. The Tru-Test S3 scale head is now supported. See Yardflow in auto-pilot using the S3 scale and a HerdLogic Go RFID reader.
From the beginning, we wanted Yardflow to be able to capture data without touching the phone, with the help of an S3 scale head and an RFID reader you capture data at an individual level without needing to interact with the app.

Finally, dosage calculation is plugged directly into the weights coming from the S3, so whenever you weigh &'ll enjoy a truly hands off data collection experience.

Nb. For US customers interested in weight collection, Highland Livestock Supply have a great price on the S3 scale. Australian customers can contact us directly to purchase.
Next up, birthflow can now be launched directly from a bred female, we also built in support for assigning animal ownership based on the owner of the if you have a multi-herd family the system will help you keep track of which animals are owned by which family member which helps with everything from accounting to registering animals with a breed association.
Finally, we have signed on to support HerdLogic as the link to breed associations. HerdLogic is an initiative to provide a secure connection between breed associations and industry software providers. We highly recommend sharing this with your respective association as this service is provided at no cost and creates the ability to download your herd data from the breed association, upload new registrations and performance data.....and, with select associations you will receive performance data updates and notifications directly into your Livestocked account.
Today, we are supporting connections to the Baldy Registry, Canadian Angus Association, Herefords Australia and American Kiko Goat Association however we have a few more in progress that will become available in coming weeks
That's all we have to talk about right now, but stay tuned as we have some great additions in the pipe line.
As always, feedback is welcome at