With the year closing out and Christmas rapidly approaching, we're hustling to reach the goals we set out at the beginning of 2017. With Birthflow, Yardflow and Performance Analysis in the bank, today we're rolling out some new exciting updates!
First, we have a change that requires everyone to update their app (sorry for the inconvenience!). This update improves the way we track animal location and provides a solution for folks who choose not to group their herd by pasture. As such, when you create an animal without specifying the pasture, you will now see a pasture group called 'NO PASTURE'.
Next up, we have a few convenience updates. We always had mob actions for movements and treatments, now you can take advantage of mob weaning and castration. These two options allow you to perform an action on an entire pasture with just 3 clicks and the app will split out all the relevant animals...no need to sort by gender or age...it's all covered!