Help Files
Update April '20
05 Apr '20
It's been a challenging year to date with social distancing now the norm. Fortunately, many of us in agriculture can isolate in wide open spaces and continue our work.
I'm sure everyone has received a bunch of emails about COVID-19, so we're going to skip right to the point of looking out for each other. It's going to be a very difficult year...there's no sugar coating it, so check in with family and friends often.

Market Conditions
While the grocery stores are being picked over, disruptions in the supply chain are sporadically causing the effect of an oversupply in livestock markets. The problem we see is that retail demand is overloading packing capacity, couple that with the risk of plant closures due to outbreaks and we expect to see volatile market conditions for at least the next six months.
The good gate sales going gang busters! My hope is that this is the trigger to help consumers see the value in local production of everyday necessities.

The Update
If you haven't already, head to the app store to make sure you're on the latest version. While this is just a few highlights, refer to the changelog for the full list.

First up, feed inventory is now live. By default, you have a single inventory value and it can be adjusted by:
1. Manually set the figure on the feed product.
2. If you record a purchase of the feed product through the finance module, the inventory will go up.
3. If you record a sale of the feed product through the finance module, the inventory will go down.
4. If you record a feed out event, the inventory will go down.
Nb. We expect to launch the harvest event in late April which will also increase inventory. This event will be associated with paddocks / pastures and included as part of the utilization.
Next, the logo used on invoices was previously against the entire organization, we have now changed that so you can have a logo against each business.
Additionally, each business can independently link to breed associations which helps with families with co-mingled herds.
Finally, this one was a personal annoyance...somewhat frequently I'd ad-hoc treat two or three animals and I found myself spending more time than I care for adding them to an event. So, we've upgraded the batch event interface to easily add random animals. You can still add mobs, and add random animals from within mobs, but this feature speeds up the process for when it's just a few.
Some other updates:
1. Update to pasture profile to include animal move events
2. Country support for Belize and Jamaica
3. Cattle breeds update to include Bonsmara
That's it for now....stay safe everyone.
As always, feedback is welcome at